Information storage mechanism

Agents store their information on a local and immutable blockchain on their devices. When they access an application, they do so with a public/private key pair. The information in a local device is signed with a private key and can be validated with a public key. The hash of the application used in the chain is also included to validate the rules that are being applied. The information on the events that an agent performs in an application is published in a shared storage space with the DHT (Distributed Hash Table) technology, already used by BitTorrent and many others. This data structure is supported by the storage capacity of the nodes that make up the application. Holochain offers a series of mechanisms so that the searches are optimal, and the information can be synchronized and recovered in the event of node failures. Holochain has patents on how DHTs operate, which makes this framework much more valuable and exclusive. This could make it attractive for other large companies to embark on development with Holochain.

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