Agreement request

When an agent performs a request to another agent.

For example, a creditor Alice requests insurance to the DIMCredits reserve account being Bob the related debtor. The fields required will be the following

● Creditor_ID: (hash of public key),

● Creditor_Current_Header: (hash),

● Debtor_ID: (hash of public key),

● Debtor_Current_Header: (hash),

● Receiver_ID: (hash of public key),

● Receiver_Current_Header: (hash),

● Insurance_Amount: (double),

● Insurance _Fee (double),

● Transaction _Fee_Promised (double),

● Insurance_Approved_by_Creditor (double), : (bit), [true = 1, false = 0]

● Insurance_Approved_by_DIMCredits (double), : (bit), [true = 1, false = 0]

● Expiration_Date: (DateTime -- optional)

● Transaction_Payload: (JSON string -- up to 512 characters - NULL terminated)

When Alice sends the request to the reserve account, she leaves some fields blank. Then, the reserve account checks Bob’s reputation among other validations, and fills the insurance fee. If Alice agrees, she marks the insurance as approved in the related field. The transaction then is a digital tamperproof agreement between the two parties.

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